of the Colonial Fleet from Battlestar Galactica
The training level for the Colonial Military is very similar to that
of the C.A.F. in Phase World and the same O.C.C.s are used with only slight
modifications. Military Personnel in medical and other science branches
would not be considered the Military Rank that describes their OCC but
would instead be considered Colonial Science & Medical Officers. A
small percentage of Pilots would be considered to be the Turbo Jockeys
OCC from Phase World. Star Buck would be considered a Turbo Jockey for
Skill Notes: The skill Pilot Power armor and robot combat skills.
No character may select these skills. A character may select robot mechanic
and robot electronics though because the Colonial Fleet has advanced robots.
Common Skills:
All citizens of the Twelve Colonies have the following skills:
Language: Planetary Tongue 98%
Literacy: Planetary Tongue +30%
Language: Colony Common Language +30%
Literacy: Colony Common Language +20%
Computer operation +10%
Basic Math +20%
All skills are in addition to O.C.C. skills.
Colonial Officer: Use C.A.F. Fleet officer with the following
O.C.C. Skills: Remove the Skill: Power Armor Combat Basic (skills
do not exist in Battlestar Galactica). Add the skills of Zero G Movement
& Combat and EVA. Replace inappropriate language skills with appropriate
language skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose as normal
Secondary Skills: Choose As normal
Colonial Officer (Turbo Jockey): For those fighter pilots that
seem instinctive pilots. Use the OCC of Turbo Jockey from Phase World Sourcebook
O.C.C. Skills: Replace inappropriate language skills with appropriate
language skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose as normal
Secondary Skills: Choose As normal
Colonial Warrior: Use C.A.F. Trooper with the following modifications:
O.C.C. Skills: Remove the Skill: Power Armor Combat Basic and
Pilot contragravity Pack (skills do not exist in Battlestar Galactica).
Pilot Tank & APC refers to the Colonial Land Ram. Add the skills of
Zero G Movement & Combat and EVA. Replace inappropriate language skills
with appropriate language skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose as normal
Secondary Skills: Choose As normal
Colonial Science & Medical Officers: Use C.A.F. Scientist
with the following modifications:
O.C.C. Skills: Replace inappropriate language skills with appropriate
language skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Choose as normal
Secondary Skills: Choose As normal
Other O.C.C.s:
Many other OCCs are common within the Twelve Colonies. Among the most
common are Headhunter/Mercenary, Special Forces, Bounty Hunter, Tracers,
Spacer, Pirate, Body Fixers, City Rats, Vagabond, Rogue Scholar (Not considered
Rogue), Rogue Scientist (Not considered Rogue), and Operators. No Magic
classes and Psionic classes are very rare.
[ Phase World TM, Kreeghor TM, and CAF TM are trademarks owned by Kevin
Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.]
[ Battlestar Galactica is copyright © Universal Pictures.
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998, Kitsune. All rights reserved.